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how did you get the assets or did you make them

I made them myself from scratch, tracing them tho :V i aint making all the assets bruh

not bad? but ad some a branch from the plot so that you can act differently than in the series and so that there is randomness in some events


Personally, it was a very interesting game! I had fun playing it! thank you!

verry disturbin

(1 edit)

Alur Cerita Game Bunny Farm


This part 1 of my playthrough. I think you did a fantastic job recreating this! 


Thank you so much :D

Just Awesome here my (review) i sound tired at the beginning lol

hahahahah thanks for playing


Just finished now, the Andy's Apple Farm influence is heavy and that is not a bad thing at all. Andy's Apple Farm is my favorite horror game I've played on out of the hundreds of different games I've tried, and this is right up there with it. Love the cutscenes it honestly had damn near perfect voice acting throughout. Bravo sir, this is an amazing game.

Fun Fact:


Thank you so mutch for playing my game :D i didnt notice much of the influence of andys apple farm but now that i look at it more it really is haha


The fuckin title screen music has no right to go as hard as it does lol, had me boogying down before I even started it. The music in this is fantastic, that old 8 bit style music hits me right in the nostalgia 

Saame bruhh, i love chiptune music. Especially the Earhbound soundtrack hahaha

Very nice!

Good game


Thank you :))

W-O-W, this was a lot better than what I expected. I truly believe that this has scared me more than the actual series! I honestly can't believe that I had as much fun playing it as editing it. Congrats, absolutely master-fully made adaptation.


Thank you so much for playing my game :DD

(1 edit) (+1)

No, thank YOU for creating and bringing it into existence.